Main publications

1. K. König, H. Liang, MW. Berns, B. Tromberg: Cell damage by near-IR microbeams. Nature. 377(1995)20-21.

2. K. König, T.W. Becker, I. Riemann, P. Fischer, K.J. Halbhuber. Pulse-length dependence of cellular response to intense near-infrared laser pulses in multiphoton microscopes. Opt. Lett. 24(1999)113-115.

3. K. König, I. Riemann, P. Fischer, K.J. Halbhuber. Intracellular nanosurgery with near infrared femtosecond laser pulses. Cell. mol. Biol. 45 (1999) 195-201.

4. K. König. Invited Review: Multiphoton Microscopy in Life Sciences. J. Microsc. 200(2000)83-104.

5. K. König. Robert Feulgen Prize Lecture 2000. Laser Tweezers and Multiphoton Microscopes in Life Sciences. Histochem Cell Biol 114(2000)79-92. DOI 10.1007/s004180000179.

6. K. König, O. Krauss, I. Riemann. Intratissue surgery with 80 MHz nanojoule femtosecond laser pulses in the near infrared. Optics Express. 10(2002)171-176.

7. U. Tirlapur, K. König. Targeted transfection of cells by femtosecond near-infrared laser pulses. Nature. 418(2002)290-291.

8. K. König, I. Riemann. High-resolution multiphoton tomography of human skin with subcellular spatial resolution and picosecond time resolution. Journal Biomedical Optics 8(3)(2003)432-439.

9. K. König, K. Schenke-Layland, I. Riemann, U.A. Stock. Multiphoton autofluorescence imaging of intratissue elastic fibers.Biomaterials 26(2005)495-500. doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2004.02.059.

10. K. König,I. Riemann, F. Stracke, R. Le Harzic. Nanoprocessing with nanojoule near infrared femtosecond laser pulses. Med. Laser Appl. 20(2005)169-184.

11. A. Ehlers, I. Riemann, T. Anhut, M. Kaatz, P. Elsner, K. König.  Fluorescence lifetime imaging of human skin and hair. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6089, 60890N, (2006).

