First Announcement
Workshop on Advanced Multiphoton and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Techniques

Organized by:

Fraunhofer IBMT


Becker & Hickl GmbH

St. Ingbert, Germany, June 13 - 15, 2007



Download:    Announcement  


Details and Registration

The workshop starts on June 13, 2007, with comprehensive lectures. In these lectures experts will introduce the fundamentals of Multiphoton Microscopy, Time Resolved Fluorescence, and Multiphoton Tomography. 
During the following two days, selected speakers will present hot and emerging topics in the morning sessions, while you can put your hands on the experiments during the practical tutorials of the afternoon. 
A poster session with beer and snacks, and the workshop dinner complete the programme.

Fees:    Register now!

The deadline for registration is extended until May 2, 2007.

Only limited number of places available.
After May 2, 2007, increased on-site  registration fees will apply.

Full registration:
Student's registration:
One-day-only ticket:

Download:    Registration Form  

To register, please fill in the registration form, and send it - preferably by fax - to the Organization Office. The deadline for registration is May 2, 2007. After that date, increased registration frees will apply.

Organization Office
Mrs. Kerstin Knobe
Fraunhofer Institute of Biomedical Technology
Ensheimer Str. 48,
66386 St. Ingbert,

+49 (0) 6894 980 151 (phone)
+49 (0) 6894 980 152 (fax)



For information on how to reach the institute, please visit
Please focus on the descriptions for the institute’s main site at St. Ingbert!

Additional note on air transport:
Apart from the Saarbrücken Airport (Ensheim; 5-10 min by taxi) you might choose to come via the airport Frankfurt/Main (2 h by train) or via the airport Frankfurt-Hahn (2h to Saarbrücken by bus).

For general travel information, you might want to consult the railway Internet page, and the Internet page of the public transport in the region (site in German only).

The transfer
from/to the auditorium at Sulzbach is organized, please see the programme. The transport to and from Saarbrücken is possible by public transport (by e.g. railway, Central Station Saarbrücken to St. Ingbert in 15 min, € 2.60). The Workshop Office might organize a bus transfer to the Novotel, if the number of interested attendees is sufficient.




